Intelligent Data Analysis
SUSTech Summer Semester
Course Material and Useful Links
Peter Tino

Lecture Notes 📜

Here is a preliminary outline of the module structure. I will develop most of the ideas on the blackboard.

You are encouraged to take notes during the lectures.

Topic Resources
Principal Component Analysis (PCA) PCA [lec notes]
PCA [slides]
Demonstration of PCA and SOM (self-organizing map) [slides]
Covariance Matrix Example [notes]
Boston Housing Dataset Demo (MATLAB codes) [zip]

PCA Quiz Questions [pdf]
Quiz Answers [pdf]
Document Mining Doc Mining [lec notes]
Doc Mining Quiz Questions [pdf]
Quiz Answers [pdf]
Clustering, Topographic Maps Clustering, Topographic Maps [lec notes]
Topographic Maps of Vectorial Data [slides]
Classification Classification [lec notes]
Density Modeling [slides]
SVM Tutorial [pdf]
Support Vector Machines (MIT OpenCourseWare) [video]

Logistic Regression Tutorial [pdf]
Logistic Regression, An Introduction [video]

Perceptron [wiki]
Perceptron [demo]
PageRank PageRank [lec notes]
PageRank [slides]

Suggested Reading 📖

Demonstrations ⚗️


Assignment 📝


Recommended Books 📚

Title Author(s) Publisher, Date Comments Link
The Elements of Statistical Learning: Data Mining, Inference, and Prediction T. Hastile, R. Tibshirani, J. Friedman Springer, 2009 Comprehensive and cover many state-of-the-art statistical learning techniques and very helpful to understand the essence of Data Mining. Highly recommended for mathematically minded students. Springer link
Principles of Data Mining D.J. Hand, H. Mannila, P. Smyth MIT Press, 2003 A nice gentle introduction to many areas of Data Mining.
Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Christopher Bishop Springer, 2006 You may need some sections of this book, particularly those on linear techniques (such as PCA) and generalisation. SUSTech library

Last updated: 2018/07/24 (Marked with green background)